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We apologize that we can not accept new patients at this time. While we wish that we could help everyone in need, we can not. For information on how and where to obtain low-cost dental service in San Diego, call 211 to get information on a wide variety of services available in San Diego county.

Patient Care Support

Our patients are our top priority – contact information for clinical management is available at our clinical locations. For general inquiries, please email [email protected] for support. Please note, we are NOT currently able to accept new patients at this time.

Our Clinic Locations


First Lutheran Church
1420 Third Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101

Downtown Clinic operates only Monday nights. Located at the corner of 3rd Ave. & Ash. St

Lemon Grove

Lemon Grove Middle School – Room 7
7866 Lincoln Street
Lemon Grove, CA 91945

Lemon Grove Clinic operates Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It is only for current Lemon Grove Academy students.

Pacific Beach

Pacific Beach United Methodist Church
1561 Thomas Street
San Diego, CA 92109

Pacific Beach Clinic operates Tuesday and Wednesday nights.